Resources - excellent resource! from the website:

This part of the Kalantzis and Cope website contains supplementary material in support of our book, New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education, Cambridge University Press, 2008. New Learning sets out to rethink the enterprise of education, starting with the fundamentals of learning. How is it that humans come to know, as individuals and collectively? The discipline of education is not just the stuff of institutions and their processes. It is about this foundational and expansive question of knowing. This is especially the case today when more and more of what we need to know is being learnt outside of formal educational institutions.
We set out to recover the roots of the discipline of education, then redefine its scope and position amongst the sciences and the practical arts. We also consider the sites and shapes of a genuinely ‘new learning’ in which the dynamics and places of learning may be quite different from our recent modern experiences.

Horizone Report K-12 (2011)

Horizon Report K-12 (2011)

Internet Archive - feature films

Teaching Literature -

Film in the classroom (Film Education UK)

Writing strategies (University of Buffalo)

open2.net2003 Get Writing

Atwell, N. 2002, Lessons that Change Writers, Portsmouth: Heinemann/Firsthand. 

Assessment Training Institute   - Great resources (including posters) in the Resources section on assessment.     

The Australian Curriculum (March 2011)  - English

Differentiation Central  -  differentiated instruction resources - Carol Tomlinson & Willima Clay Parrish Jur. Professor Education Curry School of Education . University of Virginia.

English Stage 6 Professional Readings

MIT Opencourseware: Writing and Literature

NSW Board of Studies Assessment Resource Centre

English as Disciplinary field: Conventions and Controversies by Kelli McGraw

21st Learning Environments (pdf) - Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Reference Publications (Journal articles) CBS Interactive Business Network

Australian Literacy Educator's Association Literacy Learning in the Middle Years


English Teachers Association (Australia)

 The Powerfully Literate Citizen by Wayne Sawyer

Real world examples of how TED has been used in the classroom

Teachers Domain - Digital media for the classroom and professional development Teachers' Domain is a free digital media service for educational use from public broadcasting and its partners. You’ll find thousands of media resources, support materials, and tools for classroom lessons, individualized learning programs, and teacher professional learning communities
Horizon Report 2011 The internationally recognized series of Horizon Reports is part of the New Media Consortium’s Horizon project, a comprehensive research venture established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years on a variety of sectors around the globe. This volume, the 2011 Horizon Report, examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry. It is the eighth in the annual series of reports focused on emerging technology in the higher education environment.  
Open Library Books to Read - The World's classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free ebook titles available. 
The Imaginative Education Research Group (International Baccalaureate PYP Language )The learning process simultaneously involves learning language—as learners listen to and use language with others in their everyday lives; learning about language—as learners grow in their understanding of how language works; and learning through language—as learners use language as a tool to listen, think, discuss and reflect on information, ideas and issues (Halliday 1980).

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