The strand of language states that it is 'knowing about the English language ...and how it works'. It would appear to me that 'how it works' comes under the strand of literacy, which is the practical application – transferring and using our knowledge and understanding of the English language in order to create a range of modes and texts for a range of purposes and audiences.
In an article by Wayne Sawyer (in Charged with Meaning, Chapter 24), he commented that
'knowing about the English language' – 'how language enables people to interact effectively to build and maintain their relationships, and to express and exchange their knowledge, skills, attitudes, feelings, and opinions ...yet Sawyer states this approach “appears not to be delivered as the details are 'Knowing about the English language' are elaborated...
I tend to feel that English has be given a 'remodeled dress' but certainly not a 'new body'.
1. Purpose
2. Introduction:
- nation as culturally and linguistically diverse, democratic, evolving, equity, openness
- futures orientation – need to interact in a global environment – know how to learn, adapt, create & communicate effectively, interpret & use information more fluently & critically
- participation in society – development of identities, cultures they live in, their understanding of how identity & culture are connected
- how language enables people to create meaning in broad range of forms & contexts; appreciation of Australia’s literary heritage & that of other cultures.
3. Aims:
development of language, literature & literacy skills:
- Standard Australian English (SAE) – spoken & written forms
- learn English for social cohesion
- respect varieties of English & influence on SAE
- enjoy language …....
- understand, interpret, reflect on, create variety of spoken, written, multimodal texts
- read broad range literary texts
- master written & spoken language forms of schooling & knowledge
- English skills for lifelong enjoyment & learning
Key terms
- Structure of the English Curriculum:
Three Strands
Language – knowing about /how English language is constructed and how it works
literature – understanding, appreciating, responding to, analysing & creating literature – systematic program of study in literature, both written in & translated into english
literacy – practical application of English language – developing skills of oral language, print & digital contexts, exploring & creation of multimodal texts, skills using more than one grammatical or textual pattern or one mode of communication, skills of decoding, spelling, punctuation, grammatical, textual fluency
Relationship between the strands – interwoven – addressed together in any activity or sequence of work
6. Considerations
6.1 Equity & opportunity
6.2 Connections to other learning areas
6.3 Clarity of the curriculum – sufficiently descriptive as guide for beginning teachers, but avoid level of prescription which would prevent experienced teachers from using their professional skills
6.4 role of digital technologies
6.5 the nature of the learner (K-12)
- General capabilities – thinking skills & creativity, self management, team work, intercultural understandings, ethical awareness, social competence
- Cross-curriculum perspectives – Indigenous education, sustainability, Australia's links with Asia
7. Pedagogy and Assessment
teachers use both explicit teaching and more discovery-based or exploratory approaches (ie. Inquiry)
assessment – balance of attention to the 3 strands
8. Conclusion:
students need more systematic clarification of importance of the 3 strands
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