I noted in an earlier assignment that 'the NSW English 7-10 Syllabus (2003) is a culmination of a range of competing theoretical positions and practical models that although products themselves of particular historical moments1, combine to serve the range of purposes and functions necessary for our students to in the 21st century. No doubt, the National English Curriculum currently in development will continue to display this same generosity, while incorporating new elements particular to our society today.' English teachers handbook p. 223
The ACE at first reading does appear to continue to reflect the same conceptualisations of English curriculum pedagogy, such as in the NSW English 7-10 document. The Rationale and Aims is more succinct, and while it appears to have added new elements to reflect our society today, it has not retained all from within the NSW document e.g."development and expression of a system of personal values based on students’ understanding of moral, ethical and spiritual matters and gives expression to their hopes and ideals". Not being familiar with other Australian state English syllabus documents I wonder if this is because of needing to blend and therefore all reflect each Australian state, or if it is a commentary on the position or role of English in the' development of students' understanding of moral, ethical and spiritual matters'?
The importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their contribution to Australian society, literature and culture is also specifically acknowledged. As is the importance of internationalism and Australia's place both as a nation state and our position in the global society, as well as special consideration for Australia's links to Asia. Finally, the acknowledgement of Australia as a linguistically and culturally diverse country. The inclusion of all these within the Rationale I feel is very significant.
As for the Aims, elements have been extended to include creating and reflecting; multimodal texts and English language in all its variations.
Now back to more reading of the ACE :)
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