Learning Log p.9
- the meaning/s of literacy: literacy has extended beyond traditional literacy of reading, writing, talking and listening as within the subject specific English teaching. There are many multimodal literacies that include these areas but extend beyond them to incorporate information literacy, critical literacy (ability to critically read and evaluate), digital literacy (being knowledgeable about digital formats),and visual literacy (reading beyond the written text, to what and how the image extends ), ethical literacy et al.
- There is also a move to consider a transliteracy http://nlabnetworks.typepad.com/transliteracy/
- this ties in with the need for the term multiliteracies... we can no longer be confined to "traditional" concepts of literacy. The changes in the form and function of texts due to technological changes in our information society has moved us beyond to a need to understand the many different aspects of literacy.
- the meaning of discourse: communication through language - written, spoken, visual....
- ideologies that underpin the teaching of English: philosophical, theoretical, pedagogical
Grammar Check
- current defintion: includes traditional grammar (formal language of the written text - the what, the rules of structure) and functional grammar which looks at social purposes of text including cultural context - ie the how and why a text is constructed
- grammatical terms: noun (object,) proper noun (person, place),verb (action), adjective (descriptive), adverb (modifies adjective e..g moved slowly, usually ends in -ly),preposition (links, indicates location e.g. in, at),
- sentence type
- clauses
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